Ahhh. Bloody stools this AM.
To be descriptive it was a large breastmilk stool with some orange looking streaks in it. I think it is blood? Her stool also seemed to be more watery than usual as if she was having some diarrhea.
Every-time this happens it just breaks my heart and I have to ask myself - Am i doing the right thing? do I continue?
Reading an article in J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. titled Food-induced eosinophilic proctocolitis. 2000;30 Suppl:S58-60.I saw it can take 72-96 hours (or 3-4 days if your brain does not feel like doing the math) for resolution of blood.
If I go back that far it could be from the meal eaten out - argh - potential cross contamination.
Also on another note-
I found this interesting article about maternal use of pancreatic enzymes to treat blood in stool- will have to discuss with pediatrician.
If she's thriving in terms of weight and appearance (good color, good temperament) then I'd say that you are making the right choice to keep on breastfeeding, you are doing the right thing. Keep up the good work!